5 Simple Bodyweight Exercises To Do At Home

If you are constantly on the go like myself, then you know how hard it is to grab that gym membership and be consistent about attending three to five days a week. Or maybe you just don’t feel like paying for that membership. Well, don’t worry because we have found five exercises that you can do in the comfort of your own home that will give you the results you desire!

1. The InchWorm

The first exercise we have for you is called The Inchworm. All you have to do for this exercise is keep your legs straight, put your hands in front of you, and lower your belly towards the floor until you are in a standard push up position. Here comes the hard part, or should we say, the exercising part! No pun intended of course. Okay, so what you want to do now is start taking baby steps until your feet meet your hands, and do this between five and seven times.

2. Stair Climbing

This is probably one of the easiest body exercises you could ever do, and you just have to have a flight of stairs located somewhere in your home, or close by. We suggest you do this exercise by walking at a decent pace up and down your stairs for fifteen to thirty minutes. Too bad that this isn’t easier said than done, because by the time you are done with the stair climb your knees will be shaking! Anyhow, I believe this is a great alternative to buying an expensive treadmill, so you will be building muscle while you are saving mucho dinero!

3. Classic Push Up

This is an exercise that has stood the test of time and there is a reason it is used in military settings. That reason is because it WORKS! For those of you who have been living under a rock your entire lives, here is how you do the exercise.

First, spread your legs and keep them parallel with your hips, hold yourself up with your hands and make sure they are parallel with your shoulders. Final step, hold yourself up and bend your elbows until your chest reaches about an inch from the ground! For a rep requirement, start with ten to fifteen reps if you are out of shape and slowly increase over time to build your endurance.

4. Jumping Jacks

Jumping jacks are another way to increase your cardio workout while maintaining a super hero mom or dad lifestyle. Anyone can fit these types of exercises in, and you can do them wherever you want to without the need of any equipment. To perform a jumping jack you will need to put both of your feet together while having your arms at your sides. After you are in position what you need to do next is jump and spread your feet shoulder width apart while making the letter “U” with your arms. On the second jump you will want to put your arms down and your feet in the position that they were in when you started. This exercise is as easy as it gets and before you throw in the towel, we suggest you do about fifty of these to start breaking a sweat!

5. Go For a Walk!

Walking is something that is overlooked a great deal since we live in the age of information and technology. If you are at home and you have been lounging on the couch for several hours, then get up and go for a quick fifteen to twenty minute walk. Exercising helps create endorphins which will help boost your mood and boost your metabolism. This is an exercise everyone knows how to do, but you just have to have the motivation and willpower to do so. I also recommend this exercise if you are working long hours at your desk, and if you are persistent, you could do this on all of your breaks at work!

Why it is Important To Get Moving?

Exercising is important because it keeps our muscles from having atrophy and getting weaker. Maintaining a good exercise regimen will also help you stay in shape, and fight obesity which comes with a multitude of other health risks like heart disease and cancer. What are you waiting for people? Get off of the computer and go out and take your life back! Get that blood pumping!


  1. https://greatist.com/fitness/50-bodyweight-exercises-you-can-do-anywhere/
  2. http://www.prevention.com/fitness/fitness-tips/fitness-25-fast-and-easy-ways-fit-10-minutes-exercise
  3. http://health.usnews.com/health-care/patient-advice/articles/2017-06-22/whats-the-link-between-obesity-and-risk-of-colorectal-cancer

About Author

Phil Stewart

Phil has written articles on many areas of the health field. He's been researching natural health topics for the past 7 years and is proud to bring you the latest research and news in the industry.

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